my less-uninteresting facebook posts
Date | Post |
2007-12-22 | jhnc needs a jaw x-ray after faceplanting at 25 mph |
2007-12-24 | jhnc now has titanium plates holding his jaw together. Just soup for me for the next six weeks... |
2008-01-14 | jhnc wanted to lose weight, but wonders if averaging 1lb/day for the last 24 days is too much... |
2008-03-27 | jhnc no longer has a gap in his smile |
2008-07-22 | jhnc has plane tickets to Beijing in October. Olympic village here I come! |
2008-09-09 | jhnc has no kitchen till the guvmint lets his landlord remove the asbestos from it |
2008-09-13 | jhnc is living in an asbestos-free zone. Also hot water-free. And kitchen floor-free. |
2008-10-01 | jhnc is off to represent the UK at the World Mind Sport Games in Beijing with the British Go Team |
2008-10-04 | jhnc is enjoying his last meal before a professional 7 dan from Taipei is scheduled to rip him apart |
2008-10-04 | jhnc is not dead yet. Was, indeed ripped apart, but made at least one good move and is grateful to Chang Li Yu 7p for his analysis after the game |
2008-10-04 | jhnc is 0 for 2, after forgetting to keep his stones alive. |
2008-10-05 | jhnc aims to win a game today! |
2008-10-05 | jhnc should have said "aims to win two games"; one will have to do |
2008-10-06 | jhnc appears to be able to beat dan players as well as kyus. One game to go. 3/6 perhaps? |
2008-10-06 | jhnc finishes on 3/6 after his opponent forgets to make his stones live. |
2008-10-15 | jhnc is home again and wishes the splitting headache he's had for the last three days would just go away |
2008-12-23 | jhnc has teeth that go "Ping!" when it's cold |
2009-04-02 | jhnc has metal teeth. Next month, laser vision. |
2009-05-05 | jhnc spent the afternoon poking himself in the eye. Ow! On the plus side: 20/12 vision. |
2009-05-08 | jhnc does not approve of his electric shower giving off smoke and an odour of burning rubber, especially while he is using it |
2009-08-26 | jhnc ❤ his bicycle gloves: That's the second time they've protected his hands. This time, he skidded on a wet manhole cover and took a tumble after sharp braking to avoid pedestrians who stepped out in front of him without looking. |
2011-01-20 |
"Dear Mr Chin [...] you are now in an age range that
puts you at increased risk of high blood pressure,
heart disease, stroke, kidney disease or diabetes
(collectively known as Vascular Disease)."
Damn, I'm old! |
2011-03-27 | jhnc wonders if the producers cutting to a screenful of Sam supporters after every phone number recap (all the ones he saw anyway: 20:25:48, 20:54:30, 21:44:20) had any effect on the dancing on ice vote. |
2011-09-01 | The smell of onions liquefying unnoticed at the back of a cupboard is easily confused with a gas leak in one's cooker |
2012-03-05 | An hour and a half of scatter chasses and pepperpots is quite tiring. |
2012-03-21 | Asked by bloke at bar for tips on "picking up chicks"!! Think my being in company of three very attractive young women sent wrong signals... 🙂 |
2012-04-27 | Removed old 24- , 8- and 2x 5-port switches. After rewiring their machines to use new 48-port switch, I now have 15 spare cables ?!? |
2012-06-05 | Grace Jones. Hula-hoop. O. M. G. |
2012-11-04 |
1: shock (Gah! Something's in the cupboard!) 2: squick (Ew! A mouse!) 3: squee (Cute! It's asleep. Hibernating maybe?) 4: sad (Oh, it's dead. Starved next to the oats.) ![]() |
2013-03-25 |
It seems slightly wrong that my new desktop is half the
size of my laptop...![]() ![]() |
2013-11-11 |
Now I don't feel so bad about not submitting my PhD on
automated Sign Language transcription. Twenty years on
and this is finally the state of the art: |
2014-01-07 | Am unsure whether to be more annoyed that someone has ripped off a paragraph from my dating profile, or that she has introduced grammatical errors into it. The previous person at least had the courtesy to ask for permission. Perhaps I shall instead just be flattered that people wish to plagiarise me. Although one does have to wonder why anyone would want to copy someone else's profile. |
2014-02-15 |
Okay, perhaps the wind *is* quite strong. It just smashed
my bedroom window...
The latch doesn't work properly. A gust of wind blew
the window open so hard the handle smacked against the
glass and shattered it. So, technically, the proximate
cause was the window itself, I guess. But I'm going to
blame the wind.
2022-03-05 |
Just noticed that some software I wrote was used to
generate results for a 2008 research paper.
Given I've never published any academic papers,
I had never thought to do a vanity search on google
scholar before. It's only one citation but that paper
was then cited in two different successful patent
applications. 😎